Christopher Kotfila
INF Brown Bag- Spring 2015
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import math import os pts = range(1,100) plt.plot(pts, [n**2.3 for n in range(1,100)], label="Python & IPython") plt.plot(pts, [400 * math.log(n) for n in pts], label="Most other tools") plt.legend(loc=2) plt.ylim([0,10000]) plt.xlabel("Investment") plt.ylabel("Capabilities") plt.title("Investment vs. Capabilities") plt.savefig(os.getcwd() + "/.publication/ipython-brownbag/img/plt.png")
where to start?
wait where am I?
for students it shouldn't have to start hard
(Read Evaluate Print Loop)
(almost always a bad idea)
Lets do it anyways!
An Example Notebook Server
Browser and an internet connection
Only need to setup/install a single instance